Fine Art Reproduction Photography
We strive for realism – replicating artworks with perfect accuracy – in their most perfect light. 
This form of documentation involves our proprietary techniques of composite post production. 
We create realistic images of art in all its forms.
We offer strictly confidential services.

Shoot: artwork shown in its most perfect light
– multiple exposure lighting for each individual image
– skillset involves shooting technically challenging artworks, such as framed works behind glass, 
mirrored artworks, moving artworks, etc.
Retouch: elevating the image beyond the lens
– composite layered retouching technique
– incorporating selected areas of a range of lighting setups
Colour: realistic accurate colour replication
– individual colour manipulation
– harnessing singular colours for accuracy

Art fairs
Art Installations
Art Objects
Private Collections
Documentation for insurance purposes
Digital Archival
Print-ready for publications

Founded by Nina Lieska

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